Movement & exercise is absolutely the most powerful tool we have for longevity, it might be the most potent “drug” we have for extending the quality and perhaps quantity of our years of life. My framework for exercise is built upon four pillars: stability (balance), strength, aerobic training, AND mindset! I can acheive much of this through my yoga practice. And I am going to show you how to add some key componenets to your practice to extend your longevity.
I never want anybody to think, “I’m too old to do yoga or I can’t do what she does.” I think as long as you’re breathing, breath is yoga, you have the foundation! In my regular “Power Vinyasa” class, we may challenge ourselves a bit aerobically. In this workshop, I’m going to break things down a bit more, showing how aspects of yoga help our stability and strength for longevity.
For me, longevity means training for brain health as well as physical, and adding the mental, social, and spiritual elements while physically moving has been scientifically proven to multiply the benefits of exercise alone. But in addition, some specific movements, show an increase in neuro activity while practicing yoga. Not to mention, the benefits of goal setting, managing emotional stress, and overcoming challenges! So let’s have some fun and do some yoga for Longevity!